Funding Career Pathways On The Central Coast
In Fall 2024, the Collaborative will distribute $6.54M to fund intersegmental partnerships of K-12, community colleges, universities, and industry partners to build equitable health, engineering, and computing pathways that expand access and success of socioeconomically disadvantaged students.
Funding Application
Link to the funding application, including the sections for the Letter of Interest describing the institutions and employers in your partnership.
Application Instructions
Link to details about the Collaborative, our Equity Lens, and details about the funding application.
Funding Webinar
Review a webinar about the application.
Funded Pathways
Checkout the pathways we are currently funding!
Frequently Asked Questions about the application.
Support Staff
Meet your support staff and reach out to us regarding any questions or concerns regarding the funding process.
Data Reporting Training Video
Review our training webinar on data reporting.
Subgranting Process
This overview of the Cycle 2 Subgranting Process provides basic information about the funding program including dates, contacts, and the information required for application.
Data Dashboard
Specially created data dashboard that provides useful Labor Market information as well as details about pathway programs in the region.