Leadership & Backbone


Oscar Hernandez
Rio School District

Maria Rocha-Ruiz
UC Santa Cruz

Matt Wetstein
Cabrillo College

Steering Committee Representatives

  • Andrew Lawson

  • Ashley Selck

  • Dr. Consuelo Williams

  • Dr. Cristine Chopra

  • Doug Erickson

  • Dr. Cal Gordon

  • Dr. Chance Hoellwarth

  • Dr. Jason Curtis

  • Dr. Keith Lombardo

  • Dr. Paul Robinson

  • Dr. Pedro Avila

  • Gretchen Anderson

  • Heather Contreras

  • Keith Thorbahn

  • Dr. Lee Anne McNulty

  • Marc Carson

  • Maria Rocha-Ruiz

  • Mario Castellanos

  • Martin Enriquez

  • Matt Wetstein

  • Michael Gutierrez

  • Michael Specchierla

  • Dr. Michelle Hasendonckx

  • Oscar Hernandez

  • Ralph Porras

  • Ramon Flores

  • Randy Bangs

  • Robert Cabral

  • Sarah Cameron

  • Vincent van Joolen

Central Coast K-16
Operational Backbone

A sincere thank you all the individuals and institutions that participated in the pre-planning and planning phases of this work.