Central Coast K-16 Regional Collaborative Goals & Objectives
In working toward its guiding stars described above, the Central Coast Collaborative aims to achieve the following three goals with the Regional K-16 Regional Collaborative Grant Program funding.
Increase the alignment of our K-16 educational systems to best support students’ postsecondary aspirations, as evidenced by an increased number of students transitioning from K-12 to postsecondary institutions, an increase in the number of students transferring from regional community colleges to regional California State University and University of California campuses, a decrease in the time to transfer from community college, and an increase in the number of students who earn a community college credential in 2/4 years and/or earn a bachelor’s degree in 4/6 years over the next 10 years.
Disrupt inequitable systems and structures in our institutions, with a commitment to urgent action grounded in research and deep listening, as evidenced by eliminating disparities in educational attainment in access, persistence, and completion for historically underrepresented students over the next 10 years within K-12, California Community Colleges, UCs, and CSUs in the Central Coast.
Build upon our students’ strengths, assets, and rich cultural and linguistic contributions to prepare them for economic mobility in the region, as evidenced by eliminating disparities in degree and career attainment that lead to high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand employment for economically disadvantaged and underrepresented students over the next 10 years within K-12, California Community Colleges, UCs, and CSUs across the Central Coast.
Overview of the Collaborative
This two page overview was designed to provide a shareable snapshot of the Central Coast K-16 Regional Collaborative and its work, to address long-standing education and economic inequities in the region. Together, these partners articulated their shared vision to create a Central Coast Region in which historically marginalized students achieve their goals within K–16 education and local industry, and secure high-wage, high-impact careers that advance opportunities for upward mobility. View Article
News and Announcements
Spanning over 300 miles with a total population of 2.5 million.
The Central Coast CERF Region is comprised of six counties:
Santa Cruz
San Benito
San Luis Obispo
Santa Barbara